News ID: 4458
Publish Date : 20 November 2022 - 11:07

Sony-Honda venture plans to tap entertainment prowess for its electric cars

New company wants to use music, movies and PlayStations to gain an edge over EV rivals
Khodrocar - Sony and Honda plan to use music, movies and the PlayStation 5 to take on Tesla and the rest of the automotive industry by developing an electric car built around a premium entertainment experience.

The heads of Sony Honda Mobility, which was established in September and has yet to choose a brand name, told the Financial Times that the company plans to gain an edge over competitors by leveraging Sony’s powerful position in the global entertainment industry.

"Sony has content, services and entertainment technologies that move people. We are adapting these assets to mobility, and this is our strength against Tesla,” said president Izumi Kawanishi, who has headed Sony’s AI robotics business.

    "Tesla is not providing any content services,” he said, adding that integrating the PlayStation 5 platform into their cars was "technologically possible”.

Yasuhide Mizuno, chair of the joint venture and who was in charge of Honda’s cars division, said the company was even adapting the car production process to put content first.

Instead of inserting software after a car is produced, "we will develop a car as hardware that will cater to the entertainment and network we would like to offer”, said Mizuno. He said the company planned to roll out its first electric vehicle model in North America by 2025.

The comments by the joint venture heads show how companies are working to adapt to shifting consumer preferences in cars.

As well as attempting to mount an entertainment-based challenge to Tesla, the Sony-Honda car will aim to compete with similarly software-focused vehicles produced by Google and Apple.

But Kawanishi said the joint venture would also concentrate on perfecting a fully self-driving car — a target that some mobility companies, including Uber and Google, have either abandoned or significantly pushed back as challenges and expenses have mounted.